Donations Make the Difference
Many homeless and abandoned animals find a new home through our rescue shelter.
Please help us to continue giving the animals the best care and love they so richly deserve! Our rescue shelter depends soley on the support and generosity of our volunteers and community. There are two separate funds to donate to the La Crescent Animal Rescue (LAR) Organization.
Endowment Fund Donations
This fund was established to secure paid employees of La Crescent Animal Rescue (LAR) to care for the
animals in the future if there is no longer an adequate number of volunteers to do so.
Donations designated to the Endowment Fund will never be used for anything else other than the above stated purpose except in the situation where LAR has an extreme hardship and cannot exist.
In that case, the LAR Board has the right to petition the court to release the Endowment Fund.
For more information about donating to this fund please contact us at
507-895-2066 or email info@lacrescentanimalrescue.com.
General Fund Donations
This fund consists of all donations that are not specifically designated
for the Endowment Fund or another specific cause.
The General Fund helps the LAR organization function on a daily basis; for example covering expenses
such as but not limited to animal food, supplies for running the organization, animal care (medicine, veterinary care),
and equipment such as a washer, dryer, and animal washing station.
How to Donate
Financial contributions may be made securely online via PayPal or credit/debit card, or Venmo (below),
in person during business hours or sent by U.S. mail to:
La Crescent Animal Rescue
523 S Chestnut St.
P.O. Box 112
La Crescent, MN 55947
Please include your name, full mailing address, email and telephone number
so that we may thank you for your support and generosity!